

1) Preparing the Abstract

• We strongly suggest that you enter the submission site and begin your submission well in advance of the deadline (July 15th, 2011). All the abstracts will be revised by the Scientific Program Committee.

2) Submission Form
The submission form requests the following information:

• Title
Include in the title of the abstract all words critical for a subject index. Please write your title in sentence case (first letter is capitalized; remaining letters are lower case). Do not bold or italicize your full title.

• Author
List all authors who contributed to the work discussed in the abstract. The presenting author must be listed in the first author slot of the list.

• Abstract
The body of your abstract should be no more than 2,300 characters, including punctuation (not spaces). We recommend aiming for this range as a frame of reference, then counting characters and revising accordingly. Use standard abbreviations. When using abbreviations for chemical compounds, spell out full for the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not abbreviate compounds in the abstract title.

• Support
Enter the source(s) of contributed support. (Grant numbers may be listed here)

• Deadline
Submit abstracts by Thursday, July 15th, 6 p.m. Brazilian Time.

• Submission: Please send your abstract to Dr. Thiago Moreira at the following e-mail:
