
The Nobel Prize
Richard Henderson

Richard Henderson Reino Unido


Single particle electron cryomicroscopy extends the boundaries of structural biology

Angus Kirkland

Angus Kirkland Reino Unido


The future of Microscopy and perspectives – Next 50 years

Ricardo Garcia Espanha


Frontiers of force microscopy at solid-liquid interfaces: From single ions to single cell nanomechanics

Petr Chlanda

Petr Chlanda Alemanha


SARS-CoV-2 Microscopy

Luiz Henrique Almeida

Luiz Henrique de Almeida Brasil

Wanderley de Souza

Wanderley de Souza Brasil


Celebrating 50 years of the SBMM


Naoya Shibata

Naoya Shibata Japão


Differential phase-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy

Antônio Candeias

António Candéias Portugal


Microscopy and microanalysis on restoration and cultural heritage

Ovidiu Ersen

Ovidiu Ersen França


In situ electron microscopy applied to the study of nanomaterials and nano-objects

Francisco de La Peña

Francisco de La Peña França


Computational microscopy

Leo Gross

Leo Gross Alemanha

Shadi Fatayer

Shadi Fatayer Brasil


Atomic force microscopy for molecular structure elucidation

Dawidson Gomes

Dawidson Gomes Brasil


Light microscopy studies of translocation functions from tirosina cinase receptors


Quentin Ramasse

Quentin Ramasse Reino Unido

SYMPOSIUM M1 - Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanostructures and Engineering Materials

Recent developments in sub-100meV electron energy loss spectroscopy: from phonons to core losses in real and momentum space

Nestor J. Zaluzec

Nestor J. Zaluzec EUA

SYMPOSIUM M2 - Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanostructures and Engineering Materials

Advances in Imaging and Spectroscopic Characterization of Materials using Electron-Optical Beam Lines

Otávio da Fonseca Martins Gomes

Otávio da Fonseca Martins Gomes Brasil

SYMPOSIUM M3 - Correlative, Optical and SEM Microscopy Applications

Computer-assisted microscopy: methods, case studies, and tools for applied mineralogy

Tobias Salge

Tobias Salge Reino Unido

SYMPOSIUM M3 - Correlative, Optical and SEM Microscopy Applications

Advancing microanalysis of earth and planetary materials using SEM-EDS, CL and micro-XRF

Maria Alejandra Floridia

Maria Alejandra Floridia Argentina

SYMPOSIUM M4 - Scanning Electron Microscopy, Microanalysis, and 3D Techniques

Towards a Correlative Approaching for the Study of Pore Space in Non-Conventional Reservoirs Beyond the Micrometer Scale

Frances Allen

Frances Allen EUA

SYMPOSIUM M4 - Scanning Electron Microscopy, Microanalysis, and 3D Techniques

Helium Ion Microscopy: Past, Present and Future

Tatiana Gorelik

Tatiana Gorelik Alemanha

SYMPOSIUM M5 - Electron Diffraction (structure and mapping) in Materials Characterization in SEM and TEM

3D Electron Diffraction - a universal tool for structure characterization of nanocrystals

Amy Clarke

Amy Clarke EUA

SYMPOSIUM M6 - Electron Diffraction (structure and mapping) in Materials Characterization in SEM and TEM

Multiscale Characterization of Metallic Alloy Microstructures and Links to Processing and Properties

Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro

Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro Brasil

SYMPOSIUM ML1 - Scanning Probe Microscopy beyond image – Materials and Life Sciences

1nm Resolution With 0.1m Wavelength: Using Twisted Bilayer Graphene Moiré Patterns To Evaluated The Limits Of Near Field Immersion Microscopy

Abner de Siervo

Abner de Siervo Brasil

SYMPOSIUM ML1 - Scanning Probe Microscopy beyond image – Materials and Life Sciences

Engineering New 2D Functional Materials at Surfaces: from Doped Graphene to Metal-Organic Frameworks

Nicolas Piché

Nicolas Piché Canadá

SYMPOSIUM ML2 - Computational methods applied to Microscopy and Microanalysis

Deep Learning: How neural networks have changed my life and will help you extract much more information from your microscope experiments

Jenny Capua Shenkar

Jenny Capua-Shenkar Israel

SYMPOSIUM L1 - Scanning Microscopy Using Electrons and Ions

Elucidation of Cholesterol Crystal Formation in Atherosclerosis via the Application of Cryo-SEM, Cryo-FIB/SEM and Cathodoluminescence

William Lopes

William Lopes Brasil

SYMPOSIUM L1 - Scanning Microscopy Using Electrons and Ions

Automated identification of cell morphotypes in scanning electron microscopy

André Ambrosio

André Ambrosio Brasil

SYMPOSIUM L2 - Structural Biology/Cryo-EM

Structural mechanism and polymerization of Glutaminase in vitro and in situ

Samantha Lewis

Samantha Lewis EUA

SYMPOSIUM L3 - Enhanced resolution and non-linear optics-based microscopy

Regulation of mitochondrial genome synthesis in animal cells

Tom Wirtz

Tom Wirtz Luxemburgo

SYMPOSIUM L4 - Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy

Multimodal characterisation on FIB instruments combining nano-scale SIMS and SE imaging

Irina Kolotueva

Irina Kolotueva Suiça

SYMPOSIUM L5 - 3D Electron-Microscopy (cells and tissues)

Array Tomography for the Targeted Acquisition of EM Volumes

Debora Ferreira Barreto Vieira

Debora Ferreira Barreto Vieira Brasil

SYMPOSIUM L6 - Microscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Host Cell-Virus Interactions

Morphology and morphogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero-E6 cells

Jason Mercer

Jason Mercer Reino Unido

SYMPOSIUM L6 - Microscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Host Cell-Virus Interactions

28 Hours Later: Vaccinia-Induced Cell Motility Facilitates Virus Spread

Helder Veras Ribeiro Filho

Helder Veras Ribeiro Filho Brasil

SYMPOSIUM L6 - Microscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Host Cell-Virus Interactions

Deciphering the Mayaro virus structure using single-particle Cryo-EM analysis

Luiza Mendonça

Luiza Mendonça Brasil

SYMPOSIUM L6 - Microscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Host Cell-Virus Interactions

Multimodal imaging of SARS-CoV-2 replication and vaccines

Priscyla Daniely Marcato Gasparini

Priscyla Daniely Marcato Gaspari Brasil

SYMPOSIUM ML3 - NanoBio: Interface between materials and life sciences

Considerations and challenges in the biological assays of nanostructures