Marco Cesar Cunegundes Guimarães (UFES, Vitória, ES, BRA)
9h00 – 10h00
OPENING PLENARY Single particle electron cryomicroscopy extends the boundaries of structural biology
Richard Henderson - MRC LMB Chairs: Marco Cesar Cunegundes Guimarães (UFES) and Marin van Heel
10h00 – 10h15
10h15 – 12h00
MATERIALS SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM M1 Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanostructures and Engineering Materials Chairs: Daniel Ugarte (UNICAMP) and Jefferson Bettini (CNPEM)
Recent advances in transmission electron microscopy techniques have widen significantly the scope of chemical and physical information that can be gathered to derive a deep understanding of materials properties and functionalities. The improvements involve many different aspects, including spatial and temporal resolution, allowing the association of different techniques and in-situ methods. This symposium will be focused on the application of multiple electron microscopy techniques for imaging and assessment of structural, chemical and physical properties of materials on nano and atomic scale. All aspects of research on a wide range of materials (metal, semiconductors, ceramics, composites, minerals, catalysis, etc.) and nanostructures (nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, nanorods, etc.) employing any kind of TEM techniques and modern data treatment processing (machine learning, etc.) are welcomed. In situ, correlative and other advanced microscopy studies to determine structure - properties relationship are also invited to this symposium.
10h15 – 11h15 (Invited) Recent developments in sub-100meV electron energy loss spectroscopy: from phonons to core losses in real and momentum space
Quentin Ramasse (SUPERSTEM laboratory, UK)
11h15 – 11h25 CO.MS.01 High Quality Quantitative Structural Analysis of Nanosystems using Pair Distribution Function (PDF) based on Precession Electron Diffraction (PED)
Corrêa LM1, Moreira MHM1, Rodrigues V1, Ugarte D1 - 1Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física 'Gleb Wataghin'
Leonardo Corrêa
11h25 – 11h35 CO.MS.02 Finding Hidden Correlations in EDS Hyperspectral images: Elemental Distribution Inside of small Bimetallic Nanoparticles.
Moreira M2,1, Hillenkamp M1, Rodrigues V2, Ugarte D2 - 1Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Institut Lumière Matière, 2Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin
Murilo Moreira
11h35 – 11h45 CO.MS.03 Phase Identification in NaNbO3 Perovskite Nanoribbons by STEM – DPC
Canabarro BR1, Calderon S2, Ferreira P2, Jardim PM1 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais-COPPE, 2International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
Beatriz Canabarro
11h45 – 12h00
LIFE SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM L1 Scanning Microscopy Using Electrons and Ions Chairs: Marcia Attias (UFRJ) and Lia Medeiros (Fiocruz-PR)
Nowadays, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) includes a variety of preparation protocols, and observation techniques that can be applied to virtually any kind of sample. There are scanning microscopes that operate at high and low voltage, variable pressure and depending on the electron sources, detectors and accessories have the power to acquire images for 3D reconstruction, cytochemical and elemental analysis and high resolution. This symposium is for those who use SEM to study materials and life science problems and are willing to go beyond imaging.
The symposium welcomes submission of abstracts where SEM instruments and techniques are applied to the life sciences projects. Abstracts presenting novel developments on SEM instrumentation and preparation protocols are also welcome.
10h15 – 10h45 (Invited) Elucidation of Cholesterol Crystal Formation in Atherosclerosis via the Application of Cryo-SEM, Cryo-FIB/SEM and Cathodoluminescence
Jenny Capua-Shenkar (Weizmann Institute of Science, ISR)
10h45 – 11h15 (Invited) Automated identification of cell morphotypes in scanning electron microscopy
William Lopes (UFRGS)
11h15 – 11h25 CO.LS.01 Characterization of Giardia intestinalis cytoskeleton using high-resolution microscopy techniques
Verdan R1,2, Gadelha AP3, Miranda K4,2, Benchimol M5,2 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de biofísica, 21Lab. de Ultraestrutura Celular Hertha Meyer, IBCCF, UFRJ, RJ, Brazil, 3INMETRO - Lab. de Microscopia aplicada as ciencias da vida - DIMAV, 4Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Centro Nacional de biologia Estrutural e Bioimagens, 54Universidade do Grande Rio (UNIGRANRIO), RJ, Brazil - 4Universidade do Grande Rio (UNIGRANRIO), RJ, Brazil
Raphael Verdan
11h25 – 11h35 CO.LS.02 Characterization of bacteria adhered on the cuticle of nematodes isolated from ear canal of Gir cattle
Caracciolo ME1, Santos ACB2, Torres EJL2 - 1Universidade do estado do Amazonas - Centro Multiusuário para Análise de Fenômenos Biomédicos, 2Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Laboratório de Helmintologia Romero Lascasas Porto (LHRLP)
Makoto Enoki Caracciolo
11h35 – 11h45 CO.LS.03 Morphological and Morphometric Aspect Of Embryos And Larvae Of Heros severus: An Ornamental Fish
Paiva AS1, Viana IKS2, Favacho YWM1, Leão AHF2, Rodrigues JMS2, Silva BRM1, Mendes YA1, Ferreira MAP1 - 1UFPA - Laboratory of Immunohistochemistry and Developmental Biology, 2UFPA - Laboratory of Cell Ultrastructure
Allex Paiva
11h45 – 11h55 CO.LS.03b The involvement of the Nucleolar Protein 16 (Nop16) in the Physiology of Cryptococcus gattii, a fungal pathogen.
Castelli RF1, Rodrigues ML2, Reis FCG, de Oliveira HC2, Garcia AWA3, Robert AW2, Klimeck TF2, Staats CC3 - 1Instituto Carlos Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Laboratório de Regulação da Expressão Gênica, 2Instituto Carlos Chagas, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 3Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Rafael Fernando Castelli
11h55 – 12h00
12h00 – 12h45
12h45 – 13h45
13h00 – 13h30 CryoARM Speaker: Dr Jana Ognjenovic, NIH
13h45 - 14h00
14h00 – 15h00
Differential phase-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy
Naoya Shibata (Tokyo University, Japan) Chair: Daniel Ugarte (UNICAMP) and Paula Jardim (UFRJ)
Microscopy and microanalysis on restoration and cultural heritage
António Candéias (Évora University, Portugal) Chair: Márcia Rizzutto (USP)
15h00 – 15h15
15h15 – 17h00
SYMPOSIUM M2 Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Nanostructures and Engineering Materials Chairs: Daniel Lorscheitter Baptista (UFRGS) and Giovanna Machado (CETENE)
Recent advances in transmission electron microscopy techniques have widen significantly the scope of chemical and physical information that can be gathered to derive a deep understanding of materials properties and functionalities. The improvements involve many different aspects, including spatial and temporal resolution, allowing the association of different techniques and in-situ methods. This symposium will be focused on the application of multiple electron microscopy techniques for imaging and assessment of structural, chemical and physical properties of materials on nano and atomic scale. All aspects of research on a wide range of materials (metal, semiconductors, ceramics, composites, minerals, catalysis, etc.) and nanostructures (nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, nanorods, etc.) employing any kind of TEM techniques and modern data treatment processing (machine learning, etc.) are welcomed. In situ, correlative and other advanced microscopy studies to determine structure - properties relationship are also invited to this symposium.
15h15 – 16h15 (Invited) Advances in Imaging and Spectroscopic Characterization of Materials using Electron-Optical Beam Lines
Nestor Zaluzec (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
16h15 – 16h25 CO.MS.04 Experimental Evaluation of the Stacking Fault Energy of a Fe-Mn Alloy Through the Measurement of the Partial Dislocations Distance
Otani LB1, Vidilli AL1, Kiminami CS2, Botta WJ2, Coury FG2, Zepon G2, Bolfarini C2 - 1Federal University of Sao Carlos - Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering, 2Federal University of Sao Carlos - Department of Materials Engineering
Lucas Barcelos Otani
16h25 – 16h35 CO.MS.05 Production and Characterization of Nb-Ni-WC-Cu Alloys via Spark Plasma Sintering
Ribeiro YD1, Soares AC1, Liberato JIJ1, Silva GHTA1 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Yara Daniel Ribeiro
16h35 – 16h45 CO.MS.06 Production and Characterization of Nb-10W-15(Ti6Al4V) -1Cu Alloy Via Spark Plasma Sintering
Soares AC1, Ribeiro YD1, Silva GHTA1, Liberato JIJ1 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – REDEMAT
Alexandre Candido Soares
16h45 – 17h00
SYMPOSIUM L2 Structural Biology/Cryo-EM Chairs: Chuck Farah (USP) and Rodrigo Portugal (CNPEM)
This symposium will focus on the use of single particle cryo-electron microscopy to elucidate the molecular structure of biological macromolecules and macromolecular assemblies. Speakers will present results using this technique to study the structures of enzymes, the components of the cellular cytoskeleton, extracellular pili and viruses.
15h15 – 15h45 (invited) CO.LS.03a Structural mechanism and polymerization of Glutaminase in vitro and in situ
Dias MM1, Quesñay JEN1,2, Rodrigues CT2, Abreu FMO2, Bastos ACS1, Yang Z3, Steyer A3, Zagoriy I3, Mattei S3, Islam Z1, Cassago A4, van Heel M4, Consonni SR5, Mahamid J3, Portugal RV4, Ambrosio ALB2, Dias SMG1 - 1LNBio, CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil., 2IFSC, USP, São Carlos, Brazil., 3EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany., 4LNNano, CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil., 5IB, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil.
André Ambrosio (IFSC/USP, BRA)
15h45 – 16h00 CO.LS.04 Cryo-EM To Visualize Viruses And Protein Filaments At Near-Atomic Resolution
Oliveira GAP1 - 1Institute of Medical Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis, National Institute of Science and Technology for Structural Biology and Bioimaging, National Center of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Jiri Jonas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ 21941
Guilherme de Oliveira
16h00 – 16h15 CO.LS.05 Unravelling the structure of a Type IV pilus dependent bacteriophage
Sgro GG1,2, Cassago A3, Portugal RV3, Farah SC1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Química, 2Universidade de São Paulo - Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, 3Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais - Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia
Germán Sgro
16h15 – 16h30 CO.LS.06 Exploring the structure and filament assembly of septin complexes with Cryo-EM
Mendonça DC1, Portugal RV2, Garratt RC1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Física de São Carlos, 2Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais - Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia
Deborah Cezar Mendonça
16h30 – 16h45 (Invited) CO.LS.06b Structural basis of N-glycan demannosylation by the probiotic Bifidobacterium longum
Cordeiro RL1, Santos CR1, Domingues MN1, Lima TB1, Pirolla RAS1, Morais MAB1, Colombari FM1, Miyamoto RY1, Bezerra RS1, Persinoti GF1, Borges AC2, Stoffel F1,3, van Heel M2, Portugal RV2, Giuseppe PO1, Murakami MT1 - 1Brazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory (LNBR/CNPEM), Campinas, Brazil, 2Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory (LNNano/CNPEM), Campinas, Brazil, 3Departament of Chemistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Mario Murakami (LNBR-CNPEM)
16h45 – 17h00 CO.LS.06a Cryo-EM structure of the mature and infective Mayaro virus at 4.4 Å resolution reveals features of arthritogenic alphaviruses
Ribeiro-Filho HV1, Coimbra LD1, Cassago A2, Rocha RPF1, Guerra JVS1, Felicio R1, Carnielli CM1, Leme L1, Padilha AC2, Paes Leme AF1, Trivella DBB1, Portugal RV2, Lopes-de-Oliveira PS1, Marques RE1 - 1CNPEM - LNBio, 2CNPEM - LNNano
Rafael Elias Marques
17h00 - 18h00
Room Eugen Hussak
Room Fritz Müller
9h00 – 10h00
PLENARY II The future of Microscopy and perspectives – Next 50 years
(Angus Kirkland, University of Oxford) Chair: Jefferson Bettini (LNNANO, CNEPEM)
10h00 – 10h15
10h15 - 12h00
SYMPOSIUM M3 Correlative, Optical and SEM Microscopy Applications Chairs: Yaro Parizek (Petrobras) and Paola Ferreira Barbosa (UnB)
Correlative, optical and electronic microscopy techniques are widely applied for the characterization of samples, including rocks, minerals and ores. The integration of image techniques, also associated with chemical analyzes, has contributed a lot to the resolution of real problems in several areas. This symposium is intended to be a forum for the exchange of information and knowledge regarding the combined use of multiple imaging and microanalysis tools for the characterization challenges in materials and geological sciences. This symposium will highlight the integration of multiple imaging and microanalysis techniques for the estimation of rock and mineral properties, the application of one or more microscopy techniques to provide multiple parameter information of a sample, and innovative solutions to sample characterization. Abstracts presenting applications in the area of geology, geometallurgy, applied mineralogy are welcome.
10h15 – 10h45 (Invited) Advancing microanalysis of earth and planetary materials using SEM-EDS, CL and micro-XRF
Tobias Salge (Natural History Museum, GBR)
10h45 – 10h50
10h50 – 11h20 (Invited) Computer-assisted microscopy: methods, case studies, and tools for applied mineralogy
Otávio da Fonseca Martins Gomes (CETEM, RJ)
11h20 – 11h25
11h25 – 11h40 CO.MS.07 Nanomechanical characterization of organic matter and clay mineral using AFAM in shale
Lacerda DLP, Prioli R, Parizek-Silva YM, Vasquez GF
Douglas Lacerda
11h40 – 11h55 CO.MS.07a Characterization of Sandstones Through Image Analysis and Simulations
Vianna RS1, Pereira AMB1, Leiderman R1, Vieira JD2 - 1Institute of Computing, UFF, Niterói, Brazil., 2School of Engineering, UFF, Niterói, Brazil.
Rafael da Silva Vianna
11h55 – 12h00
SYMPOSIUM L3 Enhanced resolution and non-linear optics-based microscopy Chairs: Hernandes Carvalho (UNICAMP) and Alexandre Bruni-Cardoso (USP)
There have been remarkable developments in bioimaging due to advances in fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), enhanced-resolution microscopy, super-resolution microscopy (SRM) and non-linear optics-based microscopies. This symposium will feature presentations on some of these techniques, highlighting their impact in biological knowledge on diverse subjects such as mitochondria and cancer.
10h15 – 10h30 Introducion
10h30 – 11h20 (Invited) Regulation of mitochondrial genome synthesis in animal cells
Samantha Lewis (Berkeley University, USA)
11h20 – 11h35 CO.LS.07 Impact of androgenic stimulation on mitochondrial oxygen consumption and organelle distribution in prostatic epithelial cells.
Teófilo FBS1, Busanello ENB2, Navarro CDC2, Vercesi AE3, Carvalho HF4 - 1State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Institute of Biology., 2State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medical Sciences., 3State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medical Sciences., 4State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Institute of Biology.
Francisco Breno Silva Teófilo
11h35 – 11h50 CO.LS.08 Super-Resolution Structured Illumination Microscopy for Analysis of New Chemotherapeutics Against Toxoplasma gondii
Araujo-Silva CA, Guimarães JM, Bracher F, de Souza W, Martins-Duarte ES, Vommaro RC
Carlla Assis de Araújo e Silva
11h50 – 12h00
12h00 – 12h45
12h45 – 13h15
12h45 – 13h15 Chemically Guided Rapid Failure Analysis with integrated SEM and EDS Speaker: John Yorston
13h15 – 14h00
14h00 – 15h00
Microscopia In Situ
(Ovidiu Ersen, University of Strasbourg, France) Chair: Marcos Farina (UFRJ)
Computational Microscopy
(Francisco de La Peña, University of Lille, France) Chair: Sidnei Paciornik
15h00 – 15h15
15h15 – 17h00
SYMPOSIUM M4 Scanning Electron Microscopy, Microanalysis, and 3D Techniques Chairs: Karla Balzuweit (UFMG) and Suzana Peripolli (UERJ)
Scanning electron and focused ion microscopy are getting more and more versatile and used by several areas ranging from academy towards industrial applications. The capacity of analyzing simultaneously morphology, chemistry, crystallography and 3D structure of samples from nanometer sized samples towards centimeters in 2 or 3 dimensions as well as in-situ and under various pressure and temperature conditions makes SEM's, FIB's and dual SEM-FIB's essential characterization tools in many laboratories around the globe. Solid and conventional till the state of the art works concerning the use of SEM's, FIB's and dual SEM-FIB's are welcome in the present symposium.
15h15 – 15h45 (Invited) Towards a Correlative Approaching for the Study of Pore Space in Non-Conventional Reservoirs Beyond the Micrometer Scale
Maria Alejandra Floridia (YTEC in Argentina, La Plata)
15h45 – 16h15 (Invited) Helium Ion Microscopy: Past, Present and Future
Frances Allen (University of California Berkeley, USA)
16h15 – 16h26 CO.MS.08 Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) applied to in-situ microCT Images of Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCC)
Lorenzoni R1, Curosu I2, Paciornik S1, Mechtcherine V2, Silva FA3, Bruno G4 - 1PUC-Rio - Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, 2Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of Construction Materials, 3PUC-Rio - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 4BAM
Renata Lorenzoni
16h26 – 16h37 CO.MS.09 Microstructural characterization of maraging steels Fe‑13Ni‑15Co‑(7.5-15)Mo-(0.06‑0.88)Ti (wt.%) after aging
Fonseca DPM1, Padilha AF1 - 1Universidade de São Paulo - Escola Politécnica - Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais
Daniela Passarelo Moura da Fonseca
16h37 – 16h48 CO.MS.10 Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure of Polycrystalline Superconducting Ceramic SmBa2Cu3O7−d.
Passos CAC1, Chagas JVS2, Barbieri RC3 - 1Unviersidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Física, 2Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, 3Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica
Carlos Passos
SYMPOSIUM L4 Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy Chairs: Emílio Castro Miguel (UFC) and Maura da Cunha (UENF, BRA)
15h15 – 16h15 (Invited) Multimodal characterisation on FIB instruments combining nano-scale SIMS and SE imaging
Tom Wirtz (LIST, LUX)
16h15 – 16h25 CO.LS.09 Ultrastructural Characterization of Leukocytes of the lizard Mabuya nigropunctata
Fachetti BS1,2, Turiel Silva MCP1,2, Silva EO3, Rodrigues APD2, Diniz JAP2 - 1Universidade do Estado do Pará - Departamento de Morfologia e Ciências Fisiológicas, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Marabá, Brasil., 2Instituto Evandro Chagas - Seção de Hepatologia, Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica, Belém, Brasil., 3Universidade Federal do Pará - Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Belém, Brasil.
Brenda Santarém Fachetti
16h25 – 16h35 CO.LS.11 Eosinophil cytolytic cell death during human inflammatory diseases: a mechanism underlying release of extracellular traps, granules and vesicles
Neves VH1, Palazzi C1, Bonjour K1, Weller PF2, Melo RCN1 - 1Laboratory of Cellular Biology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Department of Biology, Institute of Biological Sciences, 2Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School - Department of Medicine
Vitor Hugo Neves
16h35 – 17h00
17h00 – 18h00
Room Eugen Hussak
Room Fritz Müller
9h00 – 10h00
PLENARY III Frontiers of force microscopy at solid-liquid interfaces: From single ions to single cell nanomechanics
(Ricardo Garcia, Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madri) Chair: Bernardo Neves (UFMG)
10h00 – 10h15
10h15 - 12h00
SYMPOSIUM M5 Electron Diffraction (structure and mapping) in Materials Characterization in SEM and TEM Chairs: Karla Balzuweit (UFMG) and Daniela Zanchet (UNICAMP)
The combination of electron diffraction with imaging and spectroscopy makes electron microscopy one of the most complete analytical tools available for material scientists. The unique type of structural characterization of small volumes given by electron diffraction, include symmetry, lattice parameter, orientation mapping, represented by techniques such as DF/BF, SAD, CBED, LACBED, EBSD, TKD, PED, RED, diffraction tomography, among others. In the present symposium, developments in the field and novel experiments in the area to unravel important information of relevant materials will be presented. Works including experimental, theoretical and modelling results are encouraged.
10h15 – 11h00 (Invited) 3D Electron Diffraction - a universal tool for structure characterization of nanocrystals
Tatiana Gorelik (Ulm University, Germany)
11h00 – 11h10 CO.MS.12 Application of Electron Pair Distribution Function (ePDF) for Characterization of Beam-sensitive NaREF4 Nanoparticles
Corrêa LM1, Ferreira FS2, Sigoli F2, Ugarte D1 - 1Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física 'Gleb Wataghin', 2Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Química
Leonardo Corrêa
11h10 – 11h20 CO.MS.13 Microstructural characterization of the Cr29.7Co29.7Ni35.4Al4.0Ti1.2 precipitation-hardened multi-principal element alloy
Santana DA1, Kiminami CS2, Coury FG2 - 1Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais (PPGCEM), 2Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais
Diego de Araujo Santana
11h20 – 11h30 CO.MS.14 Image and Diffraction Artifacts in TEM Analysis of a Cr-Co-Ni Multi-Principal Element Alloy
Bertoli G1, Kiminami CS2, Coury FG2 - 1Federal University of São Carlos - Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering, 2Federal University of São Carlos - Department of Materials Engineering
Gustavo Bertoli
11h30 – 11h40 CO.MS.15 Pair Distribution Function Obtained from Electron Diffraction – ePDF: An Advanced Structural Characterization Tool
Souza JB1, Schleder GR1,2, Fazzio A1,2, Leite ER1,3, Bettini J1 - 1CNPEM - LNNano, 2UFABC, 3UFSCar – DQ
Jefferson Bettini
11h40 – 12h00
SYMPOSIUM L5 3D Electron-Microscopy (cells and tissues) Chairs: Kildare Miranda (UFRJ) and Rita Sinigaglia (UNIFESP)
Over the past years an overwhelming number of novel three-dimensional imaging technologies have been developed and applied in different fields of basic and applied research. Electron microscopy followed this trend, encompassing several novel 3D techniques such as (S)TEM (Cryo)tomography, (Cryo)FIB-SEM, SBF-SEM, Array Tomography as well as software for alignment and reconstruction of 3D datasets from organelles, cells and tissues. This symposium will feature presentations on three dimensional electron microscopy techniques applied to different cells and tissues.
10h15 – 11h00 (Invited) Array Tomography for the Targeted Acquisition of EM Volumes
Irina Kolotueva (Université de Lausanne)
11h00 – 11h15 (Invited) Three-dimensional ER architecture in the follicle cells during choriogenesis of the vector R. prolixus
Isabela Ramos (BRA)
11h15 – 11h30 CO.LS.13 Three-dimensional Characterization of Membrane Fusion Events During Osmoregulation in Trypanosoma cruzi
Augusto I1, Girard-Dias W2, de Souza W1, Jimenez V3, Miranda K1,4 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, 2Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 3California State University - Biological Science Department, 4Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagem (CENABIO)
Ingrid Augusto
11h30 – 11h45 CO.LS.12 The Exomembrane System of Cyrilia Lignieresi Infected Erythrocytes
Turiel-Silva M1, Wendt C2, Fachetti B3, Silva E4, Drummond A5, de Souza W6, Miranda K6, Diniz J5 - 1Universidade do Estado do Pará - Departamento de Morfologia e Ciência Fisiológicas, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, 2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho and Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagem, 3Universidade Federal do Pará - Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, 4Universidade Federal do Pará - Laboratório de Biologia Estrutural, 5Instituto Evandro Chagas - Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica, 6Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho e Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagem
Maíra Turiel Silva
11h45 – 12h00 3D Volume Imaging with Multiple Gas Source Plasma FIB for Life Sciences
Blanca Carbajal (Thermofisher)
12h45 – 13h15 Leica solutions for electron microscope sample preparation Speaker: Felippe Claro
13h30 – 14h00
14h00 – 15h00
Atomic force microscopy for molecular structure elucidation
(Leo Gross, IBM-Zurich)
(Shadi Fatayer, IBM-Zurich) Chair: Rodrigo Prioli (PUC-Rio)
Light Microscopy studies of translocation functions from tirosina cinase receptors
(Dawidson Assis Gomes, UFMG) Chair: Hernandes Carvalho (UNICAMP)
15h00 – 15h15
15h15 – 17h00
SYMPOSIUM M6 Electron Diffraction (structure and mapping) in Materials Characterization in SEM and TEM Chairs: Francisco Gil Coury (UFSCAR) and Witor Wolf (UFMG)
The combination of electron diffraction with imaging and spectroscopy makes electron microscopy one of the most complete analytical tools available for material scientists. The unique type of structural characterization of small volumes given by electron diffraction, include symmetry, lattice parameter, orientation mapping, represented by techniques such as DF/BF, SAD, CBED, LACBED, EBSD, TKD, PED, RED, diffraction tomography, among others. In the present symposium, developments in the field and novel experiments in the area to unravel important information of relevant materials will be presented. Works including experimental, theoretical and modelling results are encouraged.
15h15 – 16h00 (Invited) Multiscale Characterization of Metallic Alloy Microstructures and Links to Processing and Properties
Amy Clarke (Colorado School of Mines, USA)
16h00 – 16h10 CO.MS.16 Pitting Corrosion Initiation in Super Duplex Stainless Steel Investigated by EBSD
Ribeiro TGM1, Spadotto JC2, Labre C3, Bott IS1 - 1PUC-Rio - Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, 2PUC-Rio - Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering/Materials Performance Centre, School of Materials, The University of Manchester, UK, 3CBPF - Brazilian Center of Research in Physics, CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Thiago Mesquita
16h10 – 16h20 CO.MS.17 Eta phase characterization in HP40 steels after long-term exposure in service conditions
Mendes MC1, Nascimento MLC2, Araujo LS2, Malet LC3, Dille J3, de Almeida LH2 - 1Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca - Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, 3Free University of Brussels - Materials Science Department
Mário Nascimento
16h20 -16h30 CO.MS.18 Assessment of Crystallographic Orientation Relationships Between δ -phase and γ -matrix in Alloy 718 by Electron Backscattered Diffraction
Gallo FC1, Azevedo LMB1, Labre C2, Mallet L3, Araujo LS1, de Almeida LH1 - 1UFRJ - Departamento de Engenharia Metalurgica e de Materiais, 2CBPF, 3Universite Libre de Bruxelles – ULB
Flavia Gallo
16h30 – 16h40 CO.MS.19 Evaluation of the Twinning Induced Plasticity Effect on a FeMnAlC Steel during Cyclic Deformation
Vidilli AL1, Otani LB1, Wolf W2, Kiminami CS3, Botta WJ3, Coury FG3, Bolfarini C3 - 1Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais - Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Departamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, 3Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais
André Luiz Vidilli
16h40 – 17h00
SYMPOSIUM L6 Microscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Host Cell-Virus Interactions Chairs: Fabio Gomes (UFRJ) and Lúcio Caldas (UFRJ)
At the edge of the definition of living organisms, viruses have established an extraordinary diversity of unique forms of interactions with host cells through billions of years of evolution. While several viruses are of relevance due to their impact on public health, the majority of viruses are associated with the host cells or host genome. Several of these viruses are now known to play a key role in host cell homeostasis. Through this symposium, we will focus on microscopy tools used to give further insight at some of the different modes of interaction viruses have with their host cells.
15h15 – 15h35 (Invited) 28 Hours Later: Vaccinia-Induced Cell Motility Facilitates Virus Spread
Jason Mercer (University of Birmingham, GBR)
15h35 – 15h40
15h40 – 16h00 (Invited) Morphology and morphogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero-E6 cells
Debora Ferreira Barreto Vieira (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRA)
16h00 – 16h05
16h05 – 16h25 (Invited) Multimodal imaging of SARS-CoV-2 replication and vaccines
Luiza Mendonça (University of Oxford, GBR)
16h25 – 16h30
16h30 – 16h50 (Invited) CO.LS.14 Deciphering the Mayaro virus structure using single-particle Cryo-EM analysis
Ribeiro-Filho HV1, Coimbra LD1, Cassago A, Rocha RPF, Guerra JVS, Felicio R, Carnieli CM, Leme L, Padilha AC, Leme AFP, Trivella DBB, Portugal RV2, Lopes-de-Oliveira PS, Marques RE1 - 1CNPEM - LNBio, 2CNPEM - LNNANO
Helder Veras Ribeiro Filho (CNPEM/LNBio, Campinas, SP, BRA)
16h50 – 16h55
17h00 – 18h00
Room Eugen Hussak
Room Fritz Müller
9h00 – 10h00
PLENARY IV SARS-CoV-2 Microscopy
(Petr Chlanda, Heidelberg University) Chair: Wanderley de Souza
10h00 – 10h15
10h15 – 12h30
MATERIALS SCIENCE - LIFE SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM ML1 Scanning Probe Microscopy beyond image – Materials and Life Sciences Chairs: Clara Muniz Almeida (INMETRO) and Benjamin Fragneaud (UFJF)
Scanning probe microscopy techniques present high resolution and can be applied to any kind of materials. Beyond its power to acquire 3D images in real space, these techniques allow measurements of different materials properties. This symposium is for those who uses SPM to study materials and life science problems and are willing to go beyond imaging.
The goal of the symposium is to get together the researcher community in the field of atomic force microcopy (AFM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning near field microscopy (SNOM).
The symposium welcomes submission of abstracts where the SPM techniques are applied to the characterization of materials of any nature. Abstracts presenting novel developments on SPM instrumentation and SPM image simulations are also welcome.
10h15 – 10h45 (Invited) CO.MLS.01 1nm Resolution With 0.1m Wavelength: Using Twisted Bilayer Graphene Moiré Patterns To Evaluated The Limits Of Near Field Immersion Microscopy
Ohlberg DAA1, Tami D1,2, Gadelha AC3, Silva Neto EG4, Santana FC3, Miranda D3, Avelino W2, Watanabe K5, Taniguchi T5, Campos LC3, Ramirez JC6, Rego CG6, Jorio A3,2, Medeiros-Ribeiro G1,2,7 - 1UFMG - Centro de Microscopia, 2UFMG - Electrical Engineering Graduate Program, 3UFMG - Departamento de Física, 4UFBA - Instituto de Física, 5National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 6UFMG - Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica, 7UFMG - Departamento da Ciência da Computação
Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro (UFMG, BRA)
10h45 – 11h00 CO.MLS.02 Using atomic force microscopy and self-assembled monolayers to reveal crystal orientation and grain boundaries in 2D materials
Prado MC, Nascimento R, Moura L, Oliveira CKBQ, Faria BEN, Matos MJS, Mazzoni MSC, Cançado LG, Chacham H, Neves BRA
Mariana Prado
11h00 – 11h15 CO.MLS.02a Gypsum: An Environment-Friendly, Inexpensive And Robust Height Calibration Standard At Nanometer-Scale For Atomic Force Microscopy
Barboza AP1, Santos J2, Silva-Pinto E3, Neves BRA2 - 1Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Física, 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Física, 3Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais - Física
Ana Barboza
11h15 – 11h30 CO.MLS.02b Atomic Resolution From Friction Force Microscopy Using The Jarzynski Equality
Watanabe Y1, Capaz RB2, Simão RA1 - 1UFRJ - PEMM/COPPE, 2UFRJ - IF
Yasmin Watanabe
11h30 – 11h45 CO.MLS.03 Electrostatic Force Microscopy Measurements Of The Local Dielectric Constant Of A Biological Nanostructured System
Valeriano WW1, Andrade RR2, Vasco JP3, Malachias A1, Neves BRA1,4, Guimaraes PSS1, Rodrigues WN4 - 1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Departamento de Física, ICEx, 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Centro de Microscopia, 3Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Institute of Theoretical Physics, 4Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Departamento de Física, ICEx e Centro de Microscopia
Wagner Rodrigues
11h45 – 12h00 CO.MLS.04 Microfabrication of Pyramidal Nanoantennae for TERS (Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)
Santana FC1, Oliveira BS2, Monken VP1, Vasconcelos TL2, Rodrigues WN1, Cançado LG1, Vasconcelos AJ1 - 1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Departamento de Física, 2INMETRO - Divisão de Metrologia de Materiais
Fabiano Costa Santana
12h00 – 12h30 (Invited) CO.MLS.05 Engineering New 2D Functional Materials at Surfaces: from Doped Graphene to Metal-Organic Frameworks
de Siervo A1 - 1Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Departamento de Física Aplicada
Abner de Siervo
LIFE SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM L7 Sample preparation: new methods and tools for light and electron microscopy Chairs: Marlene Benchimol (Unigranrio and UFRJ) Antonio Pereira Neto (Fiocruz-PE)
The aim of the symposium is to present and discuss some practical modifications to the protocols for preparing biological and non-biological specimens for fluorescence and electron microscopies. Our focus is to provide useful tips, tricks and new tools that can be easily used to improve and enhance the methods of preparing specimens for different types of microscopy, such as: (a) High content image-based assays as a tool to obtain immunofluorescence results in a faster way; (b) how to prepare support films for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids; (c) How to prepare cells for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using a chemical method without critical point drying; (d) Alternative freeze-fracture preparation without the use of an expensive equipment; etc.
The symposium has been very successful in achieving its goals in all editions of the SBMM Congress.
The symposium welcomes submission of abstracts where helpful, novel or alternative protocols and techniques can be applied for a better processing and visualization for fluorescence, SEM and TEM images.
10h15 – 10h25 CO.LS.15 A Simple and Straightforward Method for Making Holey Carbon Grids
Augusto I1, Miranda K1,2 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, 2Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagem (CENABIO)
Ingrid Augusto
10h25 – 10h35 CO.LS.16 How to Prepare Pathogenic Protists for SEM Using a Simple Low-Cost Chemical Method Without Critical Point Drying
Melo TS1, Pereira-Neves A2 - 1Instituto Aggeu Magalhães - Fiocruz PE - Microbiologia, 2Instituto Aggeu Magalhães - Fiocruz Pernambuco - Microbiologia
Tuanne dos Santos Melo
10h35 – 10h45 CO.LS.17 High content image-based assays as a tool for experimental chemotherapy
Gadelha APR1, de Souza W2 - 1INMETRO, 2UFRJ
Ana Gadelha
10h45 – 10h55 CO.LS.18 The use of thiocarbohydrazide to increase membrane contrast and peroxidase labeling of cellular structures in electron microscopy.
Alcantara CL, Cunha e Silva NL, de Souza W
Carolina de Lima Alcantara
11h05 – 11h15 CO.LS.20 Freeze-Fracture Preparation Without Special Equipment
Pacheco LOS1, Attias M1,2, Miranda K1,2, de Souza W1,2 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, 2Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagem – CENABIO
Marcia Attias
11h15 – 11h25 CO.LS.21 Cryo-TEM specimen preparation of concentrated polymeric micelle
da Silva LCE, Borges AC, de Oliveira MG, de Farias MA
Marcelo de Farias
11h25 – 11h35 CO.LS.22 Protocol for Cellulose Nanomaterials Size and Morphology Characterization by TEM
da Silva LCE1, Cassago A2, Battirola LC, Gonçalves MC1, Portugal RV2 - 1UNICAMP - Instituto de Química, 2Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM) – LNNano
Laura Caetano Escobar da Silva
11h35 – 11h45 CO.LS.23 Using free software to produce 3D models of helminth eggs
Dias YE2,1, Lopes-Torres EJ1, Machado LP3, Freitas EO4 - 1Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / UERJ - Laboratório de Helmintologia Romero Lascasas Porto, Departamento de Microbiologia, Imunologia e Parasitologia, 2Instituto Oswaldo Cruz / FIOCRUZ - Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino em Biociências e Saúde, 3Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / UERJ - Departamento de Ensino de Ciências e Biologia, 4Centro Universitário Universus Veritas
Yan Dias
11h45 – 12h00
12h00 – 12h45
12h45 – 13h15
12h45 – 13h15 3D Tomography and Correlative Microcopy Demo with Transmission Electron Microscope Speaker: Blanca Carbajal Gonzalez
13h15 - 14h00
14h00 – 15h00
(Luiz Henrique, UFRJ and Wanderley de Souza, UFRJ)
Chair: Márcia Attias (UFRJ)
15h00 – 15h15
15h15 – 17h00
SYMPOSIUM ML2 Computational methods applied to Microscopy and Microanalysis Chairs: Sidnei Paciornik (PUC-Rio) and Wendell Girard (FIOCRUZ)
Over the last decades, computational methods have had a huge impact in microscopy and microanalysis. This impact is felt in every step of the way: microscope automation, digital image acquisition, image analysis routines, have all benefited from the interplay between the instruments, computer hardware and software. More recently, machine learning, and deep learning in particular, have revolutionized image analysis, allowing segmentation in "impossible" cases, contributing to efficient noise reduction and resolution recovery (super resolution), in 2D, 3D and 4D, among other striking new possibilities.
This symposium aims to highlight these methods applied to microscopy and microanalysis, both for materials and life sciences, bringing together researchers from several areas of research.
15h15 – 16h00 (Invited) Deep Learning: How neural networks have changed my life and will help you extract much more information from your microscope experiments
Nicolas Piché (Object Research Systems INC., CA)
16h00 – 16h30 CO.MLS.06 Local (Cross) Information Density: Powerful Practical Tools for Interpreting 3D Structures, Especially in Cryo-EM.
Bhakta S1,2, Portugal RV1, Schatz M3, van Heel M1 - 1Brazilian Nanotechnology Nat. Lab. (LNNano/CNPEM), Campinas, SP, Brazil., 2CSIR - Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, India., 3Image Science Software GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Sayan Bhakta
16h30 – 17h00 CO.MLS.07 Use of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in Automatic Recognition and Classification of Coal Macerals
Magalhães Santos RB1, Paciornik S1, Alvarez Iglesias JC1,2, Augusto KS1, Rodrigues S3, Esterle JS3, Domingues A4 - 1PUC-Rio - Departamento de Engenharia Química e de Materiais (DEQM), 2Strategy, Analytics and M&A, Deloitte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil., 3University of Queensland - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 4Vale - Centro de tecnologia de ferrosos
Richard Santos
SYMPOSIUM ML3 “NanoBio: Interface between materials and life sciences” Chair: Andreas Stingl (Phornano GmbH, AUT) and André Galembeck (UFPE)
There is a growing interest in understanding how inorganic nanostructures interact with biomolecules and living systems to give synergistic functions and properties. Synthetic nanostructures, such as nanoparticles, carbon-based materials (nanotubes, graphenes) and, polymers frequently present sizes in the same range as biomolecules such as enzymes, antigens, antibodies, or DNA/RNA have. These subjects opened a wide range of opportunities to assemble hybrid systems that integrate engineered and natural materials. Also, many applications involve interactions of nanoengineered assemblies with living systems; hence, it is mandatory to disclose the mechanisms underlying their behavior. Applications of electron and probe microscopy-based techniques on nanobiotechnology will be the focus of this Symposium.
15h15 – 15h45 (Invited) Considerations and challenges in the biological assays of nanostructures
Priscyla Daniely Marcato Gaspari (USP-RP, RIBEIRÃO PRETO, SP, BRA)
15h45 – 16h00
16h00 – 16h10 CO.MLS.08 Elemental and structural analysis of granular deposits in the bone growth zone of fin bony rays of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Farina M1, Werckmann J2, Campos APC3, Oliveira MMM4, Ersen O5 - 1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Programa de Bioengenharia e Terapia Celular/Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas-UFRJ, 2Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - CBPF, 3CNRS, Centrale Marseille, FSCM (FR1739), CP2M, Aix Marseille Univ, 13397 Marseille, France, 4Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas - UFRJ, 5Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), UMR 7504 CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, 23 rue du Loess, 67034 Strasbourg, France
Marcos Farina
16h10 – 16h20 CO.MLS.09 Insight by In Situ-TEM Into the Nucleation and Crystallization Processes of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles
Dalmônico G1, Ihiawakrim D2, Ortiz N2, Farina M3, Ersen O2, Rossi A4 - 1CNPEM - LNNANO, 2IPCMS, 3UFRJ - ICB, 4CBPF
Andre Linhares Rossi
16h20 – 16h30 CO.MLS.10 Intrinsic Antitumor Properties of Gum Arabic-Gold Nanocomposites
Gonçalves JP1, Cruz AF1, Barros HR2, Nunes AM3, Meneghetti MR3, Borges BS4, Medeiros LCAS4, Soares MJ4, Rossi GR1, Bellan DL1, Biscaia SMP1, Cristal AM1, Trindade ES1, Simas FF1, Riegel-Vidotti IC2, Oliveira CC1 - 1Universidade Federal do Paraná - Departamento de Biologia Celular, 2Universidade Federal do Paraná - Departamento de Química, 3Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 4Instituto Carlos Chagas
Anderson Fraga da Cruz
16h30 – 16h40 CO.MLS.11 Conjugation of Spike and Nucleocapsid Proteins of SARS-CoV–2 with Gold Nanoparticles
Contreras LA1, Keijok WJ1, Oliveira JP1, Guimarães MCC1 - 1Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo – Morfologia
Luis Alberto Contreras Alvarez