Poster Categories:
- physician
- multidisciplinary (nursing, radiology technician, nutrition, occupational therapy, pharmacy)
- vascular
- oncology
- visceral
- percutaneous
- neuroradiology
- case studies / series of cases
- pictorial essay
- clinical study
2.1 The papers must be submitted in compatible Word format, Arial typeface, size 12, double space.
2.2 Maximum of ten (10) authors per paper.
2.3 The submitted abstract shall not contain the name of the Institution.
2.4 The author sending the paper must be registered in the event at the time the paper is submitted (event payment settled)
2.5 The papers shall be submitted in the following structure:
2.5.1 Case Study and Pictorial Essay (each item below will be attributed a score):
- Introduction
- Objective
- Case Studies
- Figures and Subtitles
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Objective
- Materials and Methods
- Results (may include Figures and Tables)
- Discussion
- Conclusion
2.6.1 Case Study: 500 words and 06 tables/figures.
2.6.2 Pictorial Essay: 500 words and 06 tables/figures.
2.6.3 Clinical Study: 1000 words and 06 tables/figures.
2.7 All approved papers shall be presented in poster format measuring: 1.20 cm (height) x 0.90 cm (width).
3.1 Each submitted abstract will be evaluated separately by 03 interventional radiologists from SOBRICE or SBNR. The grade of this evaluation phase will correspond to 80% of the final grade.
3.2 The five papers with the highest evaluation, in addition to the poster exhibition, will be classified for an 11-minute oral presentation, which will be held on Saturday, August 10, 2019, at 12:00 pm.
3.3 During the oral presentations, the papers will undergo a new round of evaluations conducted by 05 interventional radiologists. The grade of this evaluation phase will correspond to 20% of the final grade.
3.4 The five best papers will be granted awards by the Sociedade Brasileira de Radiologia Intervencionista (SOBRICE).
Send your abstract
1. Access ci.eventus.com.br/ci/default.asp?lang=en&siteorigem=sobrice2019
2. Sign up or access your account (if you already have one). You do not have to settle the payment when you sign up. You may pay after it is announced that your abstract has been accepted.
3. In the menu, click on “Abstracts/Papers” and then on “Send new abstract”.
4. Follow the instructions on the screen and fill out all the blanks in the form. Remember to follow the mandatory structure required for your modality.
5. To conclude the submission of the abstract, click on “Next Step”, check all the information and then click on “Confirm Send”.
6. You may make changes in your abstract until the deadline: 04/30/2019.