All trainees (undergraduates, PhD students, post-docs) and young investigators (up to 5 years after finishing post-doctoral training) are entitled to apply for support, which will cover travel and lodging expenses *.
Applications will consist of:
1. Abstract of work to be presented in the usual format of the event – see rules for abstracts. Applicant should be the first author of abstract.
2. Short curriculum vitae (up to 3 pages).
3. At least one letter of reference from present or past supervisor stating the applicant´s qualifications and reasons/goals for attending the ESPCA
4. Applicant´s statement of up to 1 page describing her/his goals for attending ESPCA and how ESPCA will influence their research activities.
5. All applicants must register at the system to send the abstract, but the payment of registration fee will be required just after the scholars selection. The attendees selected for travel/lodging support will be reimbursed at the meeting.
6. Support will be provided for up to 100 students, at least 50 from countries other than Brazil to cover travel and accommodation, provided by the organizing committee.
Required documents (items 2, 3 and 4) must be sent to
Abstract must be sent through
Abstract Submission