September 23th
Field trip leaders
The city of Florianópolis is located in the Santa Catarina island, a 54 x 18 km, N-S elongate feature. Over its approximate area of 424 km2, the island offers a remarkable diversity of beautiful landscapes, and a significant variety of geological features, mostly in Neoproterozoic granites and related rocks.
Hutton attendants will have three different options for the traditional one-day mid-conference field trip, allowing to take into account different interests and dispositions of the participants. The options result in part from logistics reasons, and will cover the diversity of granite geology and landscape beauties in the island.
The first two options involve access to some key outcrops through moderate difficulty trails and along coastal cliffs. They may require up to one hour walking through hilly terrain and equivalent time along costal cliffs (not too high, but not so easy). They will be restricted to groups of 30-35 participants, which will be filled in a first-order first-serve basis. Adhesion (free of charge) can be made immediately after registration through the event’s webpage.
The third option involves only easy-access outcrops from the other two field trips, which are also some of the landscape beauties of the Santa Catarina Island.
FT-4A (leaders Prof. Miguel Basei and Luana Florisbal): predominant A-type Ilha Granite at Joaquina Beach; older granites and migmatites in the trail from Santinho to Moçambique beaches (north of the island); Mesozoic diabase dykes; archaeological lithic workshop sites.
FT-4B (leader Prof. Breno Waichel): granites and associated pyroclastic deposits (Cambirela suite) in the southernmost portion of the island (Matadeiro, Pântano do Sul and Lagoinha beaches); Mesozoic diabase dykes.
FT-4C (leaders Profs. Valdecir Janasi, Maria de Fátima Bitencourt, Lucelene Martins): predominant A-type Ilha Granite at Joaquina Beach; pyroclastic deposits (Cambirela suite at Matadeiro Beach); Mesozoic diabase dykes; archaeological lithic workshop sites.
Accompanying attendants wishing to enroll in any of the mid-conference field trips must contact the organizing committee. There will be a charge of 30 US$ to register.