Field Trips
3 field trips, covering some of the most interesting areas of granite exposure in Brazil, will be available for the Hutton participants. A list of these field trips and costs is presented below; further details can be viewed by clicking on the name of each field trip.
Field trip participants must be registered for the Hutton conference.
To enroll in a field trip:
1- Register in the Hutton Symposium.
2- Click at the left side menu on "Extra Activities" and choose your field trip.
3- Payment of both registration and field trip are required to enroll in a field trip.
From Brazil - (in Portuguese; payment with Bank Slip)From Outside Brazil - (in English, payment via Paypal)
Places will be allocated on a first-come first-serve basis. Participants will be contacted and kept up-to-date by the excursion leaders. Please check regularly our webpage for further announcements and details with regard to field trips.
Please contact the travel agency by email if you need help with tickets
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mid-conference fieldtrip
A preliminary list of participants in each of the three mid-conference fieldtrip options is available for download below. Please notice that the number of participants in FT-4A is limited to 39 because of difficulties of access to outcrops, so we had to apply the “first registered, first served” criterion and transfer some attendants to the other two options.
Those who did not enroll in any of the options and wish to enroll should inform the Secretary until Tuesday September 22 at 14:00 h, and will be allocated in FT-4C.
Exchanges can be made by arrangements between the participants, but must necessarily be reported to the Secretary.before Tuesday 14:00 h.
If there is availability, places will be offered to accompanying persons in FT-4C. If you are interested, please inform the Secretary as soon as possible. We will confirm the availability on Tuesday 14:00 h, and you will need to confirm your subscription by paying the rate of R$ 120 until 17:00 h of the same day.
Click here to download the list Click here to download the FieldTrip GuideA .KMZ file (to view the mid-conference stops in Google Earth) is available here.